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Showing posts from December, 2008

New Years Eve 2008

I felt it important to add one last blog for 2008. I’ve been in a kind of “holidaze” recently and just haven’t felt compelled to write. I can hear some of my beloveds groaning at that last comment. I know that I’ve been MIA but that’s OK. I still have plenty to share and more to say. Will you stay tuned in 09? I hope so. Today however is the last day of 08. Another wonderful year has come and gone. Filled with so much living, a little procrastination, and a whole lot of love. It was, as they all are really, a fine year. I made every attempt to end this year on a high note. So that meant getting up at 5am, assembling my mountain bike gear, loading the bike in the truck and heading off to a 7am client meeting. As soon as I was finished with the meeting I dialed my buddy and brother in arms Jimmy and told him I was on my way to the woods. He and Moon (the man) and Takoda (the dog) met me there and we headed out just as the snow started falling. It was cold and silent except ...