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Written in Stone

I woke up this morning thinking about epitaphs. I don’t know why, or if something in particular triggered it but as I went about my morning ambulation I kept wondering what if you could live your own epitaph? If you knew someone was going to write about you after you were gone, how would you live, and what would they say as a result? What kind of life did you lead, what sort of person were you?

And knowing all this how would you live? What choices would you make? Would you smile more? Would you be kinder? Would you have more patience? Would you take better care of your body? Your mind? Would you complain less? Would you remember to say thank you and please? Would you take out the garbage un-reminded? Would you stop to smell the flowers – literally? Would you hold the door, or let someone go ahead of you in traffic? Would you pick up the phone and call someone you care about and say “I love you”? Would you give away some of your money to charity, or someone less fortunate? Would you take the time to look someone in the eye when you meet? Would you truly care about what someone was telling you? Would you feed on drama or would you promote understand and compassion? Would you choose no matter what, Love over fear?

What if every day you awoke you did so with unlimited Gratitude? What if you forgot you would one day no longer be here or that someone was going to eventually inscribe some simple words on a piece of granite attempting to sum up a whole lifetime of experiences? What if you just lived so totally in the moment the way you want to be remembered?

Living like when the curtain comes down, you’ll be serenaded with wild applause and calls of “bravo, bravo, well done…!”

“Before my last breath”, right? What’s holding you back from being so totally you in every way you imagine?

Nothing’s written in stone just yet, right? So venture forth dear readers and live your epitaph!

Have a great Friday.


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