Aries March 2001
For some time I've had a vision for an initiation ritual called Self-Betrothal, or a wedding to oneself. It seems often that we seek out highly committed relationships in an effort to complete ourselves, when we really need to do this completion work on our own, though surely with the support of friends. Before such a joining to oneself, ideally there would be a time of preparation, perhaps a year akin to engagement, involving vision questing, counseling and learning life skills, culminating in a rite-of-passage in which a person essentially marries himself or herself in a ceremony attended by their community. The "ego" and "spirit" would be joined as one entity; the "self" and "higher self" would, through ritual and learning, be brought into one awareness. My idea may be some time from manifesting, but for you, this is a powerful time of joining to yourself, of allowing what is above, what is below and what is at the center of your heart to merge in sacred matrimony.
One more relationship gone sour, one more heart broken. One more horoscope to ponder. This one came at such an opportune time, a portents of things to come. Five months later I was at a place called Omega wondering how to totally shift my Life.
In a matter of five days it happened. There were some characters involved. A little Mexican man. A Queen of Desire. The Four Angels. And a short dark haired woman who used to watch me shoot hoops on our lunch breaks. She saw the light burning inside of me. There also were some experiences almost unexplainable. Small Deaths. Magical happenings, openings, cracks in the belief system, mysteries of the Heart. Leaps of Faith. Letting go's of the Terrible Shoulds, Could Haves, What Ifs, Why Nots, How Comes, and then...BOOM! The boy done exploded into a million shades of light...ahhhhhhhhhhh.
But the best was saved for last. The Wedding Day. A Ceremony of Oneness. A merging of love into LOVE. A leaping into the Unknown Unthinkable Ultimate wedded BLISS.
That one simple horoscope could not have pegged it any better. It was time. "It's TIME" as Ricky would say. It was time for sure. Time to start walking and talking the same language. Moving from the place of, guided by the place of, breathing from the PLACE OF THE HEART EMOTION, the fearless crystal clear river of knowing...
And when I can't hear anymore, when all the noise fills my head, I go inside, swim through the bullshit and find that place.
The place where the sound of one bell, then many bells, take me Home.
Hey! It's your wedding day. I DO!
I did.
For some time I've had a vision for an initiation ritual called Self-Betrothal, or a wedding to oneself. It seems often that we seek out highly committed relationships in an effort to complete ourselves, when we really need to do this completion work on our own, though surely with the support of friends. Before such a joining to oneself, ideally there would be a time of preparation, perhaps a year akin to engagement, involving vision questing, counseling and learning life skills, culminating in a rite-of-passage in which a person essentially marries himself or herself in a ceremony attended by their community. The "ego" and "spirit" would be joined as one entity; the "self" and "higher self" would, through ritual and learning, be brought into one awareness. My idea may be some time from manifesting, but for you, this is a powerful time of joining to yourself, of allowing what is above, what is below and what is at the center of your heart to merge in sacred matrimony.
One more relationship gone sour, one more heart broken. One more horoscope to ponder. This one came at such an opportune time, a portents of things to come. Five months later I was at a place called Omega wondering how to totally shift my Life.
In a matter of five days it happened. There were some characters involved. A little Mexican man. A Queen of Desire. The Four Angels. And a short dark haired woman who used to watch me shoot hoops on our lunch breaks. She saw the light burning inside of me. There also were some experiences almost unexplainable. Small Deaths. Magical happenings, openings, cracks in the belief system, mysteries of the Heart. Leaps of Faith. Letting go's of the Terrible Shoulds, Could Haves, What Ifs, Why Nots, How Comes, and then...BOOM! The boy done exploded into a million shades of light...ahhhhhhhhhhh.
But the best was saved for last. The Wedding Day. A Ceremony of Oneness. A merging of love into LOVE. A leaping into the Unknown Unthinkable Ultimate wedded BLISS.
That one simple horoscope could not have pegged it any better. It was time. "It's TIME" as Ricky would say. It was time for sure. Time to start walking and talking the same language. Moving from the place of, guided by the place of, breathing from the PLACE OF THE HEART EMOTION, the fearless crystal clear river of knowing...
And when I can't hear anymore, when all the noise fills my head, I go inside, swim through the bullshit and find that place.
The place where the sound of one bell, then many bells, take me Home.
Hey! It's your wedding day. I DO!
I did.