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Winning the Lottery

Yeah I know. Been absent for awhile from my post (no I’m not depressed Ma). Last you heard I left for Mexico and promised a colorful re-telling of the TRIP. Maybe ya’ll thought I climbed that old pyramid of the Sun with my youngest boy and finally stepped off, was blasted into the ether, permanently merged with the infinite, only to be never heard from again…should we all be SO lucky!!!

Nope I’m still here. And I will get around to telling about that place that turns mere mortals into mere mortals with Plenty of Awareness. But not today. Today I want to let you know I think I just won the lottery.

Let that sink in for a sec. Right about now my phone should starting ringing like the ol’ rotary dial in the cartoons. Silence. Good. Let me explain before all the people I never knew start calling me for a bailout.

I do buy lottery tickets on a regular basis. Maybe because I once got 4 out of 6 numbers. Maybe because I figure a “dollar and a dream” right? In this economy a few extra $25 millon couldn’t hurt, right? Anyway I got to thinking about how money seems to ease so many things, and when the world at large is suffering from a difficult economic crisis it exacerbates the underlying fear that so many of us have: that we don’t have enough. That no matter what our financial status is that more is good, that lots more is even better. But more of what? Is there something that can buy peace of mind? Is it money? Is it more acquisitions? What is it really?

A dear friend and I were speaking recently and he relayed a story to me that impressed me. Lately he had taken a hit both in terms of the amount of work he had coming in (income), and had taken a hit on his portfolio. A big hit. Now this friend has always LOVED money and the acquiring of money. He is “good with money” as they say, and conservative in how he spends it. I always looked at him with a mixture of wonderment and respect since I was never really that interested in making millions or being conservative in how I spent the little money I had. To hear him speak about the dramatic shift in his status in such a calm way really moved me. He had found his life was NOT so much about what sat in an investment fund or an IRA. It was about what he was living right now, and how he was feeling in that “now” moment. He was feeling good.

So this morning as I could feel the cervix of my mind opening preparing to birth another blog, I was thinking about winning the lottery. And how I’ve already won. Not the money part so leave me alone please. But the LIFE part. Look and see.

I’m healthy and fit (ok I’m a F.O.N.), I have a beautiful and loving partner Meg in my life (the REAL lotto score!), two wonderful sons Nick and Bodhi, my Mom Junie lives right around the corner from us and is a HUGE part of our lives. I have two fine older brothers who have given me so much love throughout their lives. I am surrounded by friends who inspire and play with me. I am self-employed with amazing employees that are unique and incredible. I live in an amazing seaside community that feels like HOME totally. I get time to take care of my mind and body. I have the opportunity to travel and be with the ones I love and don’t get to see often. Oh, I even have a sweet dog who is fairly neglected and that I occasionally take on long mountain bike rides and stays faithfully on my wheel uncomplaining.

Do you see what I mean? Would more money change any of this? What if I was wealthy beyond compare yet had a life threatening disease? Or my family life was a mess? I mean take any of the things that are in my life right now and replace it with more money. If it’s about replacing something, no thanks. Sure, I’ll keep playing the Lotto. And you know when I do win, I’ll give much of it away. But right now I’m happy just the way Life is, and what's being delivered to my door.

Humm, maybe I better get an unlisted phone number soon…



Anonymous said…
Roger said…
what if somebody offered you $25 million for your dog?

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