It's a year since my last post. It's also light years from the internal place I last wrote from. The intention was there. The Path was there to follow. Yet the destination remained elusive. I could sense the huge changes lurking "out there" waiting for me to live into them. I started writing again but just that one post in January 2023. I started a podcast, and recorded 9 episodes before it went fallow. I talked about starting a coaching practice, working with men sharing what bits of wisdom I procurred along the way to hopefully assist them in their own "walk to awakening". I had one client.
Yet caught up in some place akin to pugatory I found myself unable to really implement those changes at the beginning of 2023 I so clearly intended to manifest. What was holding me back? What was keeping me tethered to my inability to move forward at the pace I thought I needed?
Well, sitting here now writing these words it feels like I've come full circle. In the creation of my new website I linked my old blog posts to it. As if pulled back into a dream I read the old posts marveling at how effortless I wrote and how satisfying that felt to write. It awoke a desire to express myself again in this way. To share myself and my inner strivings and defeats and victories with my world.
And what of the sensation of being stuck? My life right now feels like someone pulled a rubber band back holding it in tension for what seemed like forever, then let go. Whoosh went I.
How you ask? What force conspired to jettison me out of the old and into the new? Funny you should ask.
Just another smack on the head from sweet and oh so loving Ms Universe, Mama Earth, the hard dirt ground. But hey - that's another blog for another day.
Just know - full circle is splendid.
Jamie Gilroy is a Mindset Coach working with men to unlock their fullest potential. Are you looking to tweak and improve some issues in your life? Are you interested in a free clarity call to investigate working with Jamie? Email him And check out his website to learn more about the work he does:
Apparently last night I had been dreaming of a life I left behind 11 years ago. Snippets of memory like peering through a gauzy veil, and scenes vaguely reminiscent of my life as a builder in a small coastal town north of Boston. I woke up with the What Ifs. You know how dreams are: like your eyes can’t completely focus, situations that are seemingly disconnected but maybe not, faces you know but can’t place, yet the feeling in the dream is quite real. I was back in Old Town and trying to figure out why the house I was in was unfinished. There was a meeting to be had there, but it was just me. I walked down a cobbled street to what I figured to be the office of the architect and it was a room of all glass and about 10 people seated around a glass table. I tried to get the attention of the man who was the architect on this particular job without disrupting the meeting. He looked like a friend who wasn’t an architect but a realtor and a neighbor. I wondered how he switched care...