Warning: If you’re young and healthy and never think about getting older and the world is your oyster and you are under 50 don’t read any further.
“Going cold turkey”. The connotation is that we are giving something up. Usually for good. Things like heroin, or booze, or Oxy. Things that really aren’t that good for you.
My cold turkey moment was bicycles. Wait. Aren’t bikes supposed to be good for you? Yes, absolutely in theory.
However, in my case, not so much. Of course, I loved the feeling of riding a bicycle – the rush of the wind, the freedom of motion, the ability to push my limits, and the boost in fitness.
All healthy benefits for sure.
Except when crashes happen. They will and they do. Typically, it’s some road rash or bloody knees and elbows with dirt applied.
In my case it’s been all the usual get offs plus head trauma. It’s the “plus head trauma” that has me hanging up the bike for good. I just can’t seem to keep from bashing my head when I do crash and remarkably the rest of me gets off pretty unscathed.
So in the lapse from my last crash six months ago and now I’ve had a few epiphanies.
First off is not really a bona-fide epiphany per se but an observation – I gained 10lbs of belly fat. Anyone who knows me understands I’m pretty invested in being sleek. Ok call it pure vanity. Fine.
Secondly, in my purely sedentary state I miss the dopamine fix from high intensity cardio workouts.
And lastly, I am a much happier human when I exercise.
So back to going cold turkey.
Sometimes new doorways open up. Things that perhaps were never considered as viable. An opportunity to try something fresh.
And as time has its way with my human body – thinning locks, joint replacements, mysterious morning aches, and new contemplations on the purpose of this life – why not try something new?
Something completely different and an activity wherein hitting my head is all but eliminated? (Unless a meteor falls on me.)
What is that you ask?
That is hiking and running uphill when the trail goes up.
Because I had a total knee replacement six years ago, I was told at the time don’t run unless you’re about to be run over crossing the street. Good advice for sure.
But recently I’ve been hiking/running uphill on my local mountain with my two dogs who seem quite happy to have an extended walk.
And honestly, I’m enjoying this new adventure. The trails are all ones I raced around on and crashed on riding my mountain bike. It’s a bit odd to just hike them now for sure. My knee feels fine too. Bonus.
So sometimes going cold turkey ain’t so bad.
Sometimes that frigid turkey reveals a brand new perspective on our world.
Thanks for reading.
Jamie Gilroy is a Mindset Coach working with men to unlock their fullest potential. Are you looking to tweak and improve some issues in your life? Are you interested in a free clarity call to investigate working with Jamie? Email him at jbgilroy@icloud.com Check out his website to learn more about the work he does: https://jamesbgilroy.com
Apparently last night I had been dreaming of a life I left behind 11 years ago. Snippets of memory like peering through a gauzy veil, and scenes vaguely reminiscent of my life as a builder in a small coastal town north of Boston. I woke up with the What Ifs. You know how dreams are: like your eyes can’t completely focus, situations that are seemingly disconnected but maybe not, faces you know but can’t place, yet the feeling in the dream is quite real. I was back in Old Town and trying to figure out why the house I was in was unfinished. There was a meeting to be had there, but it was just me. I walked down a cobbled street to what I figured to be the office of the architect and it was a room of all glass and about 10 people seated around a glass table. I tried to get the attention of the man who was the architect on this particular job without disrupting the meeting. He looked like a friend who wasn’t an architect but a realtor and a neighbor. I wondered how he switched care...
March 23, 2024 at 6:21 PM