Wow, has it really been 2 weeks since my last post? My mom must think I’m dead even though she lives right around the corner from us and sees me frequently. She pretty much relies on my blog to know what’s up with me. Hi ma! Your boy’s alive & well.
So what’s with the gloom and doom headline? Well for starters there’s been this funky weather front stalled over New England making the skies dark and threatening and the humidity high. Rain, thunder, lightning as a looming presence. And people just seem to always talk about it. That’s one part of the G & D.
The other is the news. Both the kind you read and the kind you hear. The stock market is most enjoyable to observe. Watch the gossip, then watch the reaction. The economy, the fear, the wars, the up coming presidential race, the housing market, the doping in the Tour, the slumping Red Sox. Oh they won last night – cool.
Anyway, I’m not buying it. Any of it. And why would I? Do I need to feed off of the negativity? Do I need to create a place inside me that reflects the headlines or what people share with each other on the street? Definitely not. Do I need to throw a bone to the collective fear that’s running around a little planet?
Nope. And here’s why. It doesn’t feel good when I buy into the hype. Meaning like good inside my little human type of feeling good. So you’re dying to know how to achieve this blissful state?
Here’s a start: take some positive action. Walk your dog. Leave a Love note to your beloved (you, your honey, your dog, your kids, your boss, etc.). Go curl up on a couch with a book. Watch your favorite movie. Call an old friend and say “hey”. Take a 12 hour motorcycle ride and come home smiling and wet. See the freaking glass as half full. But most of all be so grateful that you are here in this moment in this time and you have a choice. A choice to participate in the game of woe. Or play in the game of creativity. That’s really entirely up to you. No one else.
Now is such an opportune time to be in creation mode. Creating something brand new and original inside yourself. Another Shiny Happy Person perhaps.
Or not. The Gloom and Doom is right there waiting…
Mind your attention.
So what’s with the gloom and doom headline? Well for starters there’s been this funky weather front stalled over New England making the skies dark and threatening and the humidity high. Rain, thunder, lightning as a looming presence. And people just seem to always talk about it. That’s one part of the G & D.
The other is the news. Both the kind you read and the kind you hear. The stock market is most enjoyable to observe. Watch the gossip, then watch the reaction. The economy, the fear, the wars, the up coming presidential race, the housing market, the doping in the Tour, the slumping Red Sox. Oh they won last night – cool.
Anyway, I’m not buying it. Any of it. And why would I? Do I need to feed off of the negativity? Do I need to create a place inside me that reflects the headlines or what people share with each other on the street? Definitely not. Do I need to throw a bone to the collective fear that’s running around a little planet?
Nope. And here’s why. It doesn’t feel good when I buy into the hype. Meaning like good inside my little human type of feeling good. So you’re dying to know how to achieve this blissful state?
Here’s a start: take some positive action. Walk your dog. Leave a Love note to your beloved (you, your honey, your dog, your kids, your boss, etc.). Go curl up on a couch with a book. Watch your favorite movie. Call an old friend and say “hey”. Take a 12 hour motorcycle ride and come home smiling and wet. See the freaking glass as half full. But most of all be so grateful that you are here in this moment in this time and you have a choice. A choice to participate in the game of woe. Or play in the game of creativity. That’s really entirely up to you. No one else.
Now is such an opportune time to be in creation mode. Creating something brand new and original inside yourself. Another Shiny Happy Person perhaps.
Or not. The Gloom and Doom is right there waiting…
Mind your attention.