So how’s the relationship going on after 6 years? I can honestly say it gets better every day. There’s a huge difference between what I’ve experienced with Meg and what my past relationship experiences have been. So what’s the difference?
One word. And that one word makes it special. Awareness of what? Awareness of all the limiting beliefs we have about Self, Love and Relationships. So if you know what you’re believing is keeping you miserable why keep believing it? WHY KEEP BELIEVING IT!!! OK, if you say so…
Listen. This isn’t about some miraculous colliding of two distant stars whose paths happen to cross at just the right moment. This is about two people who had the grace and fortitude and crazy luck to have experienced some really heart wrenching experiences and were able to grab hold of a lifeline and drag their sorry asses to shore. That shore being the ability to see what denying emotion does to a heart, that shore that allows feeling to be expressed without self judgment and condemnation, without prejudice. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and said “I love you.” Doesn’t it usually sound like a litany of what you see and don’t like? Too old, too fat, too ugly, too poor, to dumb, too plain, too unlovable? What in god’s name is served by that kind of self judgment?
Nothing. And so the finding your true love has absolutely nothing to do with looking outside yourself, and everything to do with saying to yourself – “damn dude, you’re the bomb”. Or “I am a mother-effin goddess”! Without conceit or arrogance, but just plain conviction of what is TRUE! We are perfect in our uniqueness and if we only knew that, really KNEW it then we would find someone to really play with in this life and be truly happy if that’s what we wanted. Drop all the insecurities and Life has room to move, to expand…
That’s what Meg and I do and it’s easier than riding a bike. Why would I project my insecurities onto Meg, why would I share poison with her, why would I create undo DRAMA with her? Why would I put MYSELF through that, let alone another person? I don’t. We don’t. That’s the Secret if you ask me. The SECRET is to use what is as available to us as air – AWARENESS.
It just takes a little practice. And the result can be as magical as the most poignant and unbelievable fairy tale. Yet it is real. Totally attainable.
The coolest thing is we have created a being out of this place of awareness (Bodhi Quinn Gilroy) and he is the reflection of so much of US together and yet is completely his own little monster.
Oh, try this: parenting with awareness. Good luck! Oh man is that a blast. Bodhi will find every loose stone inside you and send it careening down the mountain. Or not.
You see with awareness comes CHOICE. But that’s for another blog for another time…
Until then go find your true love. What are you waiting for? Go on. GO!
One word. And that one word makes it special. Awareness of what? Awareness of all the limiting beliefs we have about Self, Love and Relationships. So if you know what you’re believing is keeping you miserable why keep believing it? WHY KEEP BELIEVING IT!!! OK, if you say so…
Listen. This isn’t about some miraculous colliding of two distant stars whose paths happen to cross at just the right moment. This is about two people who had the grace and fortitude and crazy luck to have experienced some really heart wrenching experiences and were able to grab hold of a lifeline and drag their sorry asses to shore. That shore being the ability to see what denying emotion does to a heart, that shore that allows feeling to be expressed without self judgment and condemnation, without prejudice. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and said “I love you.” Doesn’t it usually sound like a litany of what you see and don’t like? Too old, too fat, too ugly, too poor, to dumb, too plain, too unlovable? What in god’s name is served by that kind of self judgment?
Nothing. And so the finding your true love has absolutely nothing to do with looking outside yourself, and everything to do with saying to yourself – “damn dude, you’re the bomb”. Or “I am a mother-effin goddess”! Without conceit or arrogance, but just plain conviction of what is TRUE! We are perfect in our uniqueness and if we only knew that, really KNEW it then we would find someone to really play with in this life and be truly happy if that’s what we wanted. Drop all the insecurities and Life has room to move, to expand…
That’s what Meg and I do and it’s easier than riding a bike. Why would I project my insecurities onto Meg, why would I share poison with her, why would I create undo DRAMA with her? Why would I put MYSELF through that, let alone another person? I don’t. We don’t. That’s the Secret if you ask me. The SECRET is to use what is as available to us as air – AWARENESS.
It just takes a little practice. And the result can be as magical as the most poignant and unbelievable fairy tale. Yet it is real. Totally attainable.
The coolest thing is we have created a being out of this place of awareness (Bodhi Quinn Gilroy) and he is the reflection of so much of US together and yet is completely his own little monster.
Oh, try this: parenting with awareness. Good luck! Oh man is that a blast. Bodhi will find every loose stone inside you and send it careening down the mountain. Or not.
You see with awareness comes CHOICE. But that’s for another blog for another time…
Until then go find your true love. What are you waiting for? Go on. GO!