I want to talk about relationships. My dear beloved friend Stephanie requested that I devote a blog to the topic of relationships so here goes.
I bet many of you have seen the film The Princess Bride – most certainly one of my all time favorite movies. There are so many brilliant aspects to that movie but the one piece I’ve remembered after all these years is the phrase Westley continually replies to Buttercup with: “As you wish”. This is a profound attitude to take. No matter what Buttercup asks of him, Westley always replies, “As you wish”. Imagine how our life would be if we had the daring and faith to live that way like Westley did. In my relationship with Meghan it’s had a magical effect and was there at the very beginning of our togetherness. But I get ahead of myself, first things first.
I can remember when I initially tried out that phrase on myself. It was a little terrifying. Even having the thought to do so was radical, but to actually say to myself – AS YOU WISH! – was groundbreaking. You’re probably thinking who hasn’t said that their whole life? Don’t we all give ourselves the things we want? Not necessarily. Maybe your thinking, isn’t that a selfish way to live? That’s not how I envision it. To really give oneself permission to say “as you wish” and know what’s good for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually is a leap of faith. I’m not talking about going for ice cream, or indulging in things that are short-lived. I’m talking about really letting yourself feel and know what saying that simple phrase will create in your life. It releases the part of us that is called intuition. When we truly follow our intuition we follow a path most certainly less traveled and at times may even feel overwhelming. Trust is the key – trust that we will give ourselves the best – the things that will reflect the best in us and reflect the best around us.
Once I aligned myself and let go in this way it created the potential to interact with others in my life from a whole new perspective. What if I could say to someone close to me “As you wish” and not fear the results? Would I give away my “power” or my "autonomy" by saying that? My experience has clearly and emphatically answered NO! Remember in the movie every time Westley said to Buttercup “as you wish” something wonderful occurred. Maybe it looked like a challenge but the connection between the two of them became stronger each time. This same exact bond can and does occur when we make that pledge to ourselves. We become stronger in the knowledge that we can live by knowing, that we can base our decisions on trust and faith in ourselves and in a simple easy phrase.
As you wish.
Tomorrow Part Two – how to apply this while living with another and still stay sane.
Until then.
I bet many of you have seen the film The Princess Bride – most certainly one of my all time favorite movies. There are so many brilliant aspects to that movie but the one piece I’ve remembered after all these years is the phrase Westley continually replies to Buttercup with: “As you wish”. This is a profound attitude to take. No matter what Buttercup asks of him, Westley always replies, “As you wish”. Imagine how our life would be if we had the daring and faith to live that way like Westley did. In my relationship with Meghan it’s had a magical effect and was there at the very beginning of our togetherness. But I get ahead of myself, first things first.
I can remember when I initially tried out that phrase on myself. It was a little terrifying. Even having the thought to do so was radical, but to actually say to myself – AS YOU WISH! – was groundbreaking. You’re probably thinking who hasn’t said that their whole life? Don’t we all give ourselves the things we want? Not necessarily. Maybe your thinking, isn’t that a selfish way to live? That’s not how I envision it. To really give oneself permission to say “as you wish” and know what’s good for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually is a leap of faith. I’m not talking about going for ice cream, or indulging in things that are short-lived. I’m talking about really letting yourself feel and know what saying that simple phrase will create in your life. It releases the part of us that is called intuition. When we truly follow our intuition we follow a path most certainly less traveled and at times may even feel overwhelming. Trust is the key – trust that we will give ourselves the best – the things that will reflect the best in us and reflect the best around us.
Once I aligned myself and let go in this way it created the potential to interact with others in my life from a whole new perspective. What if I could say to someone close to me “As you wish” and not fear the results? Would I give away my “power” or my "autonomy" by saying that? My experience has clearly and emphatically answered NO! Remember in the movie every time Westley said to Buttercup “as you wish” something wonderful occurred. Maybe it looked like a challenge but the connection between the two of them became stronger each time. This same exact bond can and does occur when we make that pledge to ourselves. We become stronger in the knowledge that we can live by knowing, that we can base our decisions on trust and faith in ourselves and in a simple easy phrase.
As you wish.
Tomorrow Part Two – how to apply this while living with another and still stay sane.
Until then.