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Small Dreams, Little Manifestations

I’ve been observing the way I create lately and wondering why it’s on such a small scale. I’m not talking about the day to day creations, but the big picture creation. And no I don’t mean the “five year plan” or “ten year plan”. I mean the overall creation of the way I so strongly desire to live.

I put so much attention on those things I believe I need in the moment as if they’re a cure-all salve for my yearnings. And to some degree they are. But the real yearning encompasses all of the smaller yearnings and if I would only put my attention on that bigger picture desire I would ultimately be so much happier. For example how many of us think like this: if only I had a better job, or better car, or better relationship, or a better wardrobe, or a better motorcycle, I would finally be happy. I know my mind works in this way. It tricks me into thinking if I acquire one more “thing” I’ll attain that elusive serenity and peace of mind. In actuality I desire even more things after satisfying the original desire.

What about taking all that energy and focusing it on the most expansive desire we could conjure. What if all that beautiful energy went towards creating the most magnificent no-holds-barred dream for ourselves and humanity? In whatever way that expression may be for us, in whatever way we conceive of it? I’m not talking about the dream others projected on us. I’m talking about blowing away all the limiting beliefs that we personally have or that society says is possible and knowing deep inside that we are capable of manifesting whatever we desire. What’s holding us back? What’s holding me back?

What I observe in myself is I’m ok with the little intents, with the small dream of Jamie and his capabilities. Once upon a time I felt deep inside it was impossible to own my own home. I literally thought I would never achieve that. Now I write this blog from this large beautiful house that I own in a wonderful seaside community. How did this happen? I simply challenged that place inside of me that doubted. That place of limitation that was so ingrained in me.

Yet I still see that limitation exists in me. I’m content with dreaming the next construction project to get us by, to keep my crew busy. I’m happy trying to manifest another motorcycle which will go faster and farther. Yet I’m not addressing the real desire I have. The real dream of freedom and abundance. It’s not abundance if we have to borrow money to finance a desire. It’s not abundance to have to keep working hard to pay the bills. A million small desires satisfied doesn’t equal freedom.

I want to stop the little dreaming. I want to say adios to all the small manifestations.

I desire so strongly to dream big and watch the grand manifestation unfold…

To be so much more expansive than I believe possible.

And then share that with so many….

Giant steps taken. Giant manifestation gained.

Be big now. Let yourself dream as big as you dare. What do we have to lose?



Cartooniste said…
It's funny reading this, because we've been going through a similar debate- is it okay for us to buy a house? Are we really allowed to have one? And, for me, why do I want one so badly? Nothing is permanent. It's unlikely we'll be able to keep it until carried out feet first. But still... the desire to nest is palpable. Is that a shortcoming? Hard to tell.

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